Video Lessons

1. Introduction slides

2. No superheavy syllables slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by applying the constraint on superheavy syllables:

  1. kāvyamkāvvaṁ
  2. śāstramsātthaṁ
  3. mārjanammājjaṇaṁ
  4. prāktanampāttaṇaṁ
  5. vibhājyamvibhājjaṁ
  6. paṅktiḥpanttiḥ
  7. ākāṅkṣāākāṅkkhā
  8. mandrammanddaṁ
  9. maṅkṣumaṅkkhu
  10. sākṣīsākkhī
  1. rāmaḥ ēvarāmō ccia
  2. rāmaḥ ivarāmō vva
  3. sītā ēvasīā ccia
  4. sītā ivasīā vva

3. Only homorganic conjuncts slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by applying the constraint on homorganic consonant clusters (and the constraint on superheavy syllables, where appropriate):

  1. śaktaḥsaktō
  2. parṇaḥparṇō
  3. śūnyaḥsūnyō
    • Note that Prakrit only has the nasals and m.
  4. śakraḥsakrō
  5. indraḥindrō
  6. arkaḥarkō
  7. vākyamvākyaṁ
  8. āptaḥāptō
  9. arghyamarghyaṁ
  10. bhaktambhaktaṁ
  11. sarpaḥsarpō

4. Stop and sibilant conjuncts slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by changing sibilant + stop conjuncts to the required form:

  1. śāstramsāsttaṁ
  2. pakṣaḥpakṣō
  3. skhalatiskhalaï
  4. taskaraḥtaskarō
  5. āspadamāspaaṁ
  6. bhakṣatibhakṣaï
  7. āścaryamāścēraṁ
  8. pustakampostaaṁ
  9. puṣpampuṣpaṁ
  10. vismarativismaraï
  11. niṣpandaḥṇiṣpandō
  12. snāpanamsnāvaṇaṁ
  13. īpsitamīpsiaṁ
  14. kṣaratikṣaraï
  15. -akṣī-akṣī

5. Palatalization slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by changing dental + y conjuncts to the corresponding palatal stops:

  1. atyunmadaḥatyummaō
  2. adhyāhāraḥadhyāhārō
  3. dhyāyatidhyāaï
  4. tathyamtathyaṁ
  5. pathyampathyaṁ
  6. padyampadyaṁ
  7. krudhyatikudhyaï

6. The speech-sounds of Prakrit slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by replacing speech-sounds that do not belong in Prakrit with their equivalents:

  1. nāgaḥnāō
  2. anādaraḥanāarō
  3. śiṣyaḥśīṣō
  4. śīrṣaḥśīṣō
  5. varṣaḥvāṣō
  6. śatamśaaṁ
  7. anyathāannahā
  8. kauravāḥkauravā
  9. daurbalyamdauvvallaṁ
  10. daurgatyamdauggaccaṁ
  11. śailūṣaḥśailūṣō
  12. saikatamsaiaaṁ
  13. mr̥gaḥmr̥ō
  14. prāvr̥ṣ-pāvr̥sō
  15. vr̥ttamvr̥ttaṁ
  16. r̥tuḥr̥dū

7. The beginning and the end of the word slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by making the necessary changes at the beginning and the end of the word:

  1. srakssaā
  2. pravartatēppavaṭṭaï
  3. yacchatiyacchaï
  4. yādr̥kyārisō
  5. tāvat
  6. samyaksammak
  7. tat

8. Intervocalic lenition slides


Complete the derivation of the following Prakrit words by performing the appropriate lenition on single intervocalic consonants:

  1. subhaga
  2. sakhi
  3. dūtī
  4. pūjā
  5. bhāgaḥbhāgō
  6. ambudaḥambudō
  7. pataṅgaḥpataṅgō
  8. nābhiḥnābhī
  9. tathāvidaḥtathāviō
  10. vyādhaḥvādhō
  11. śāpaḥsāpō
  12. bhagavatī
  13. dīpaḥdīpō
  14. bhavatihōti
  15. sadanamsadaṇaṁ
  16. vacanamvacaṇaṁ
  17. arbhakaabbhaka
  18. nayanamṇayaṇaṁ
  19. mr̥gāṅkaḥmigaṅkō
  20. sampuṭaḥsampuṭō
  21. viṭaḥviṭō

9. Masculine and Neuter Nouns and Adjectives slides


Practice producing all of the inflected forms of the following stems:

  1. halia- “farmer, ploughman” masc. (≈ halika-)
  2. taruṇa- “young man” masc (= Sanskrit)
  3. potthaa- “book, manuscript” neut. (≈ pustaka-)
  4. puppha- “flower” neut. (≈ puṣpa-)

Identify the number and case of the following words, listing all possibilities:

  1. purisē (≈ puruṣa- “man”)
  2. uppalāi (≈ utpala- “lotus”)
  3. pattharā (≈ prastara- “rock”)
  4. lēṇēhintō (≈ layana- “cell”)
  5. ghōrē (= Sanskrit)
  6. paī (≈ pati- “husband”)
  7. pīlūō (= Sanskrit)
  8. hariṇō (= Sanskrit)

10. Feminine Nouns and Adjectives slides


Practice producing all of the inflected forms of the following stems:

  1. bālā- “girl” fem. (= Sanskrit)
  2. paṇṇā- “wisdom” fem. (wisdom” fem. (≈ prajñā-)
  3. juvaī- “young woman” fem. (≈ yuvati-)
  4. savvarī- “night” fem. (≈ śarvarī-)

Identify the number and case of the following words, listing all possibilities:

  1. dēvīe (= Sanskrit)
  2. diṭṭhīo (≈ dr̥ṣṭi- “glance”)
  3. buddhī (= Sanskrit)
  4. rattīhi (≈ rātrī- “night”)
  5. paümiṇīō (≈ padminī- “lotus pond”)
  6. dhārāṇa (= Sanskrit)

11. Present Tense Verbs slides


Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense, giving all six forms:

  1. kuṇa- “make/do” (≈ √kr̥)
  2. kīra- “is made/is done” (≈ √kr̥ passive)
  3. hō- “be/become” (≈ √bhū)
  4. sāha- “tell” (≈ √śās)
  5. rēha- “appear” (≈ √rēbh)
  6. dīsa- “appear” (≈ √dr̥ś spassive)
  7. karāvē- “cause to do/cause to make” (≈ √kr̥ causative)
  8. dē- “give” (≈ √)
  9. rua- “weep” (≈ √rud)
  10. peccha- “look” (≈ pra-√īkṣ)

12. The Future Tense slides

13. The Imperative and Optative slides

14. Pronouns slides

15. The Past Tense slides

16. How to Read a Verse slides